The media is needed to tell people how the accounting fraudsters work. Government won't tell. The first thing the fraudsters do is divide, destabilize, and destroy the family they victimize. Divide and conquer. It's the perfect cover.



3 letters


Anthony O’Connell
439 South Vista Del Rio
Green Valley, Arizona 85614
June 13, 2013
Senator John McCain
241 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Senator McCain:
If the VA in Arizona continues to withhold my medicines it will kill me.  I live on the poverty line and can't afford the meds. Please ask your staff to look at HYPERLINK "" and HYPERLINK "" . There are tons of covers.
The Director is not supposed to withhold the Veteran's meds and pretend he doesn't know what the problem is or to attack the Veteran's character. Suggested questions:
(1) Why were the Veteran's medicines stopped?
(2) Why is the Veteran being led to believe that they were not stopped? 
(3) What does “0 refills remaining” mean to you?
(3) What is the intent?
(4) Why is this Veteran treated differently from other veterans?
Thank you.
Anthony OConnell 7637


Jul 12, 2013
The Honorable John McCain
United States Senator
407 West Congress Street, Suite 103
Tucson, AZ 85701
Attn: Suzanne Hernandez
Dear Senator McCain:
This is in response to your letter dated June 19,2013, regarding your constituent,
Mr. Anthony OConnell and his concerns at the Green Valley Community Based Outpatient Clinic
(CBOC) of the Southern Arizona VA Health Care System (SAVAHCS). I requested that
Mr. John Altevers, Administrative Officer, Community Clinics Care Line, address his concerns.

Mr. OConnell expressed several concerns in his letter to you but specifically asked questions about his prescription renewals, his treatment, and obtaining his living will. Mr. OConnell's current medications were not stopped and were refilled promptly at his request since October 2012. Many medications are renewed annually. In order for Mr. OConnell to obtain further medicationrefills, he can schedule an appointment with his provider at the Green Valley CBOC by calling (520) 399-2291. If Mr. OConnell needs refills prior to October 2013; he should contact the pharmacy refill line, at (520) 470-8262 and select option four. Mr. OConnell also contacted his provider several times asking that his living will be returned to him. He was advised each time to contact the Release of Information (ROI) office located at the main VA hospital to obtain his living will, as it is not at the clinic. Mr. OConnell can reach the ROI office at (520) 792-1450, extension 6923. These are standard VA procedures and all Veterans are provided the same guidance to receive medication refills and to obtain copies of their computerized medical information.

The SAVAHCS strives to provide quality and compassionate care to all of our Veterans. We are
very concerned with patient care and the satisfaction of the Veterans we serve. If you have any
questions regarding this letter, please contact Mr. John Altevers at (520) 792-1450, extension 4042.
Jonathan H. Gardner, MPA, FACHE
Southern Arizona VA Health Care System"


Anthony O'Connell
439 South Vista Del Rio
Green Valley, Arizona 85614
(No telephone)
July 1, 2014
Senator John McCain
241 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
VA Director Jonathan Gardner's letter dated July 12,2013
Dear Senator McCain,
VA Director Jonathan Gardner's enclosed letter to you of July 12,2013, is a cover up.
Please don't allow a cover up.
To begin to remove the cover would require auditing the Tucson VA pharmacy. It is
necessary to follow the medicine trails to see where medicine went. Please assume that
approximately 100% of the Director's staff and employees will support the Director's
letter and no one will support exposing the medicine trails. Insulation is that established.
Removing the cover is a matter of life and death to me. Ifyou choose not to remove the
cover it would be helpful if you tell me why. Do I have to be someone with influence or
power to be heard? Does the information have to corne from a VA whistle blower rather
than from a veteran? Is the information too improbable to be believed so the evidence is
consequently ignored? Has my credibility been destroyed so completely by the years of
uninterrupted attacks on my character that it is taken as truth rather than cover? Are the
dynamics too sophisticated to be recognized? Would exposing wrongs within the VA
threaten federal dollars going to Arizona?
Anthony O'Connell
Enclosure: Director's letter of July 12,2014