The media is needed to tell people how the accounting fraudsters work. Government won't tell. The first thing the fraudsters do is divide, destabilize, and destroy the family they victimize. Divide and conquer. It's the perfect cover.


Three accuse

I do not believe (1) my primary care provider, the (2) HealthyVet Coordinator, and the (3) Chair of the Disruptive Behavior Committee and Acting Chief, Mental Health Care Line, decided on their own to fraudulently accuse me of misusing the VA secure messenger system. I believe they are carrying out an agenda from higher up. When I asked the accusers to show me their evidence, none responded.

I have been accused of abusing secure messenger part of the VA website gov and warned that I could lose my access to it if I continue. When I asked the accusers to identity their evidence I get no response. I believe the term secure messenger means the entire VA website in this context. If I lose access to the VA website I lose access to seeing my medicine status and the ability to request refills. It would not be prudent for me to use secure messenger and risk losing that window through the invisible wall.

I'm accused of misusing the VA website to justify blocking me from using it.

The VA frames me by saying I am misusing the VA website  (aka "secure messenging") to justify blocking me from using of it. This VA website shows paper trails such as "0 Refills Remaining". The VA avoids paper trails.

I believe management's intense avoidance of paper trails caused the failure of the joint DOD-VA digital record system which cost the taxpayers about 1 billion dollars.

To verify this frame up would require the three accusers to show their evidence of my alleged misuse. If this can't be done can we stop pretending we're trying to fix the VA?

From what I see on the news our Country doesn't have a clue as to the depth of VA secrecy or what goes on behind it. Try exposing the connection between the VA in Arizona and the Fairfax County Court in Virginia.

Frame 2013

Randi Schmeling
(My Primary Care Provider)

May 17, 2013 1:14pm Veteran to Provider
"Dear ANP Randi Schmeling, Primary Care Provider:
I received you letter dated May 9, 2013, and quote it below for reference:
Fri, May 17, 2013 at 1:14 PM
This letter is to address your misuse of secure messaging. You have written the same thing over 6 times
and we have sent you the answer as many times. You MUST stop doing this. Your medications are not
being withheld, they are being sent out. We have told you how to contact Release of Information each time
regarding the copy of your advanced directives as we do not have access to them. The MSA, the soc1 al
worker, pharmacist and I have all responded to you numerous times. If you do not stop misusing secure
messaging, I will have to request from the overseer of secure messaging contact you and if necessary
suspend your secure messaging.
Randi Schmeling MS, RNP, ANP, BC"

This letter is not true. Please send me a copy of any evidence that would support the charges in this letter.
Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony OConnell 7637"
(No response)

Paula S. Newsome
(My Healthevet Coordinator)

May 17, 2013 1:17pm- Veteran to Paula Newsome
Dear Paula Newsome, My HealtheVet Coordinato:
I received your letter dated May 13, 2013 (I received two copies, once on May 15(?) and once on May 17.) and quote it below for reference:
"Dear Mr. O'Connell,
When you opted in to the VA's Secure Messaging program through your My HealtheVet
account, you agreed to specific terms and conditions for the use of that program (see
attached). The purpose of this letter is to notify you in writing that you have violated those
terms and conditions by sending an excessive number of messages. If your inappropriate use of the VA's
Secure Messaging program does not cease, actions may be taken to block you from the program.
If you continue to demonstrate inappropriate use of Secure Messaging, a request to block your usage will be presented to the Southern Arizona VA Health Care System (SAVAHCS) MyHealtheVet Workgroup. If the workgroup makes a recommendation in favor of blocking your use, you will be notified by letter, which will include information on how you can appeal the decision.
We sincerely hope you will make the choice to abide by the rules of Secure Messaging so that you can
continue to enjoy the convenience of the program. If you have any questions about the content of this letter, please contact me at (520) 792-1450 ext. 6889.
Paula S. Newsome
My HealtheVet Coordinator"

This letter is not true. Please send me a copy of any evidence that would support the charges in this letter.
Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony O'Connell, 7637

(No response)

Timothy I. Mueller, MD
(Chair, Disruptive Behavior Committee
Acting Chief, Mental Health Care Line)

October 28, 5:18am - Veteran to Dr Mueller
"Dear Dr Mueller:
I don't understand your certified letter of October 25, 2013:
""Dear Mr. O'Connell:
It is important that this facility is a safe environment for all patients and staff. Safe health care is
based on mutual respect between provider and patient. We take disrespectful behavior and
unauthorized use bfinternal communication systems s~riously at the Southern Arizona VA
Health Care System, whether towards your provider, other VA staffmembers or fellow patients.
Jt was reported to the Disruptive Behavior Committee that you are abusing MyHealtheVet secure
messaging and stafftelephone voice mail. It was also reported to the committee that you are
inappropriately using internal Outlook messaging to address clinical concerns. Outlook is not
secure and will not be used to address clinical topics. This behavior must stop. The committee is
.composed ofclinicians and administrative representatives. After reviewing this incident, the
committee has recommended this letter be sent to you. Behavior ofthis nature in the future
could lead to further actions.
Our goal is to provide high quality health care in a safe and caring environment for you as well
as everyone else. I hope you will heed this warning and manage your behavior appropriately. If
you have any questions, please call Sally Petty, RN, 520-792-1450, extension 6402.
Timothy I. Mueller, MD""

Please identify what you are accusing me of and give me an example. Please be specific. If you are saying that it is against the rules to email the VA would you please state the rule?
Can we not lose sight of the immediate issue? The immediate issue is can my medicine trails be exposed or can my medicine traits not be exposed. What is your opinion?
Thank you
Anthony O'Connell 7637"
(No response)

Frame 2016

2016/04/02 at 10:55am - Anthony OConnell to Dr Susan Morris
Dear Dr. Susan Morris,
Please renew my prescription for Bupropion.
Your message to me of March 18, 2016, said:
"I will repeat and attempt to clarify my reply to this question which I sent you on march 15.
Your bupropion is on schedule to be mailed to you in may.
several other meds are on schedule to be mailed to you in may.
there is no refill listed on the bupropion for AFTER may 2016.
that is because I have to see you to assess your response to this med before I renew it for august 2016.
If I may make a suggestion, it is actually quicker and more straightforward for you to request medication refills through the pharmacy refill request phone line. It is true that patients have the option of using secure messaging to request non narcotic medication refills and renewals. but in practice, at this particular clinic site during the hectic winter months at any rate, there is more chance of delay and misunderstanding and hurt feelings all around when my patients use secure messaging for med requests.
just a suggestion. you have the right to continue using secure messaging.
We would like to remind  all users of secure messaging that they keep their comments courteous if at all possible (as the staff endeavor to do as well). This enhances the professional relationship we hope, and strive, to maintain with all our patients.
thank you,  susan morris, md" 

"We would like to remind  all users of secure messaging that they keep their comments courteous . ." implies that I was not courteous in my use of secure messaging. Please identify exactly what it was that had you say this? Please be specific.
Thank you.
Anthony OConnell 7637
(No response)

1) If my VA primary care provider Dr Susan Morris stops my prescription medicine(s) I would have to get a Doctor outside the VA to write prescriptions. I can't afford a private doctor or the medicine. I live on the poverty line, my annual income is the poverty line ($12,376?)
2) If Dr. Morris stop's my prescription medicine(s) it intentionally puts me in harms way.
3) The VA is not supposed to frame a veteran.
4) If this simple frameup can't be exposed and corrected how could the connection between the VA in Arizona and the Fairfax County Court in Virgina be exposed and corrected?