The media is needed to tell people how the accounting fraudsters work. Government won't tell. The first thing the fraudsters do is divide, destabilize, and destroy the family they victimize. Divide and conquer. It's the perfect cover.



AZDES [Arizona Department of Economic Security] to Anthony O'Connell

June 3, 2015
"Dear Anthony OConnell,
We need the information listed below to decide if you can qualify for the programs for which you have applied. Contact us if you have trouble getting the information we are requesting. We may be able to help.
You must give us this information no later than 06/18/2015. There are several ways for you to give us the information we are asking for below:
1. Log in to your Health-e-Arizona Plus account at '' to scan, upload, or email information. or
2. Fax your information using the attached fax coversheet to 1-888-372-8777. The fax coversheet has a barcode that identifies your case. or
3. Mail your information to: AHCCCS. 801 E. Jefferson Street. MD 3800, Phoenix, AZ 85034f you cannot get this information to us by the due date you may be able to get more time. You can request more time by calling the number above. If we do not get the information and we do not hear from you, we will deny your application or stop/change your benefits."

(1) The above quote is from page 1 of a 11 page "Request for Information" letter dated June 3, 2015, mailed June 9, 2015, with a June 18, 2015, deadline.
(2) Why am I made responsible for the information in the records of the AHCCCS, the AZDES, and the VA, when I don't know what they put in their records and have no control over their records? Why does the unidentified sender of this letter require such control over how I would get information?
(3) Why the false statements on page 2 under "We need to verify"? Please send me the evidence for these statements.
(4) Why can't I get a copy of this alledged application -
"On February 25, 2014, you applied for medical assistance to the Arizona Department of Economic Security through the Health-E-Arizona Plus website. That application for medical assistance prompted the June '3 , 2015 Request for Information, which was sent in order to facilitate the provision of medical assistance, should you qualify." (From Executive Assistant to Director Jeffries Marie Barker's email of July 22, 2015)
(5) I believe this letter is a set up to take away my VA economic pension because that is the only benefit I receive besides social security and there is a pattern of disempowering me. This would reduce my annual income from  $12,876 to $6,792. If this is not the intent what is the intent?
(6) To get to the truth it is necessary to expose the empitical evidence and not judge on he said she said. Without the empirical evidence judements are left to the power and prestige of position and AZDES wil prevail.

July 2, 2015
"Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 12:47 PM
[secure] AHCCS inquiry you sent to the Governor's office
1. message
]From] Davis, Virginia <>
New secure email message from AHCCCS Secure Email Portal
To view the secure message, click Open Message.
The secure message expires on Jul 16, 2015 @ 07:47 PM (GMT).
Do not reply to this notification message; this message was auto-generated by the
sender's security system. To reply to the sender, click Open Message.
If clicking Open Message does not work, copy and paste the link below into your Internet
browser address bar."

Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System
Register Account
Enter your emall address and a password to register and begin sending and receiving secure messages.
Email address:
Language: English
Re-enter Password:
cancel register
Password Rules
Passwords must be at least 8 characters in length, and meet all of the following conditions:
Contlain both alphabetic and numeric characters
Contain both uppercase and lowercase characters
Contain at least one special character, such as: ~I@#$%A&
Password cannot match email address,
For Customer Support, send an email message to ISD_Cust

(1) I did not try to register an account or get a password because I believe it could be used to make me appear that I had applied for a benefit from AHCCCS.
(2) I have asked for evidence of my alledged application to AHCCCS but I have not received anything.

July 6, 2015
"Mon, Ju1 6, 2015 at 8:15 AM
Your email to Director Jeffries
1 message
Anthony OConnell <>
To: "" <>
Good morning Mr. OConnell,
Director Jeffries asked that our office try and assist you on his behalf. Please know that we have contacted an
Advocate to reach out to you but they were unable to locate a phone number for you in the system? An
Advocate emailed you on Thursday to obtain a phone number from you so she may assist you. Once she
receives a phone number, she will be able to call and answer all your questions. Please know that we are
monitoring their response closely to ensure all your questions and concerns are answered. Thank you!
Lydia Cruz
Assistant Ombudsman
Department of Economic Security
Director's Office
1717 W. Jefferson St. I Phoenix, AZ 85007
602.364.2860 PH | 602.542.5339 FAX
Department of Economic Security
Your Partner for a Stronger Arizona
Like DES on Facebook | Follow DES on Twitter: @ArizonaDES"

(1) Why assign me an Advocate? Doesn't that say or imply that DES expects conflict?
(2) Why the avoidance of a paper trail? Why the insistance on explaining this letter by telephone? Why make me appear responsible for DES's avoidance of a paper trail?

July 6, 2015
"Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 9:49 AM
Martinez, Debra <>
TO: "" <>
Co: '''Martinez, Debra" <>
Mr. OConnell,
If you could Please contact me at 602-417-7647 so that I can assist you.
Thank you
Member Liaison
Office of Client Advocacy

July 7, 2015
"Tue, Ju1 7, 2015 at 8:13 AM
To: Anthony OConnell <>
Cc: "Cruz, Lydia" <>, "Hunt, Marlynd" <>, "Barker, Marie, I"
Mr. O'Connell, thank you for your letter. Ms. Lydia Cruz, one of my Ombudsmen, is trying to contact you in follow
up. Again, my thanks. Regards, Director Jeffries
Sent from my iPhone"

July 8, 2015
"Wed, Ju1 8, 2015 at 12:16 PM
Jeffries, Timothy <> Wed, Ju18, 2015 at 12:16 PM
To: Anthony OConnell <>
Cc: "Jeffries, Timothy" <>, +OMBUDSMAN <>
Good Morning Mr. OConnell -
Last week Lydia Cruz in our Ombudsman office received your request for information reqarding
the correspondence you received. Lydia emailed you Monday morning at 8:16 AM, please see email below:

"Good morning Mr. OConnell,
Director Jeffries asked that our office try and assist you on his behalf. Please know that we have contacted an
Advocate to reach out to you but they were unable to locate a phone number for you in the system? An
Advocate emailed you on Thursday to obtain a phone number from you so she may assist you. Once she
receives a phone number, she will be able to call and answer all your questions. Please know that we are
monitoring their response closely to ensure all your questions and concerns are answered. Thank you!
Lydia Cruz
Assistant Ombudsman
Department of Economic Security
Director's Office
1717 W. Jefferson St. I Phoenix, AZ 85007
602.364.2860 PH | 602.542.5339 FAX"

If you have not responded with your telephone number, please send it to me and I will contact the Advocate so that she is able to call you to answer your questions and discuss any concerns you have.
Thank you - have a good afternoon.
Marie Barker
Executive Assistant to
Director Jeffries
Director of Economic Security
1717 West Jefferson
Phoenix, AZ 85007
(602) 542-5757
Arizona Department of Economic Security - Your Partner for a Stronger Arizona
Like DES on Facebook | Follow DES on Twitter: @ArizonaDES"

July 9, 2015
"Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 9:57 AM
Facebook posting
1 message
Bailey, Deborah, K <>
To: "" <>
Good morning Anthony,
My name is Deborah Bailey from the Department of Economic Security Family Assistance Administration. Can
you Please call me concerning the notice you received in the mail, I will be more than happy to explain to you
what this is concerning. Please see below for my phone number. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
Deborah Bailey
Family Assistance Administration
Direct line 602-771-2796"

July 22, 2015
"Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 10:13 AM
Barker, Marie, I <> Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 10:13 AM
To: "Anthony OConnell (" <>
Cc: '''Jeffries, Timothy" <>
Hello Mr. O'Connell -
Please see below response on behalf of Director Jeffries -
Mr. O'Connell:
I am writing in response to your questions regarding the June 3, 2015 Request for Information that
you received and to assure you that this Request for Information is not related to any benefits that you may be
receiving through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. It is also not an attempt to change or otherwise
interfere with those benefits.
On February 25, 2014, you applied for medical assistance to the Arizona Department of Economic
Security through the Health-E-Arizona Plus website. That application for medical assistance prompted the
June '3 , 2015 Request for Information, which was sent in order to facilitate the provision of medical assistance,
should you qualify.

One of our employees, Deborah Bailey from the Department of Economic Security Family
Asistance Administration, ernailed you on July 9,2015 to further explain the Request for Information. Please
direct all further communications on this matter to Ms. Bailey, who will be happy to answer any additional
questions you may have regarding the Request for Information. Ms. Bailey can be reached at 602-771-2796
Thank you-
Marie Barker
Executive Assistant to
Director Jeffries
Department of Economic Security
1717 West Jefferson
Phoenix, AZ 85007
(602) 542-5757
Department of Economic Security - Your Partner for a Stronger Arizona
Department of Economic Security - Your Partner for a Stronger Arizona
Like DES on Facebook | Follow DES on Twitter: @ArizonaDES"

"Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 5:23 PM
[From] Jeffries, Timothy <>
To: Anthony OConnell <>
Cc: "Bailey, Deborah, K" <>, "Barker, Marie, I" <>

Dear Sir,
Per my original note (refer below), if you have any questions regarding receiving benefits, Ms. Deborah Bailey
will assist you.
If you have not applied for benefits, 1 advise you to check your credit record to determine if you have suffered
identity theft.
Tim Jeffries
Director, DES

"Mr. O'Connell:
I am writing in response to your questions regarding the June 3, 2015 Request for Information that
you received and to assure you that this Request for Information is not related to any benefits that you may be
receiving through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. It is also not an attempt to change or otherwise
interfere with those benefits.
On February 25, 2014, you applied for medical assistance to the Arizona Department of Economic
Security through the Health-E-Arizona Plus website. That application for medical assistance prompted the
.June 3, 2015 Request for Information, which was sent in order to facilitate the provision of imedical assistance, should you qualify.

One of our employees, Deborah Bailey from the Department of Economic Security Family Assistance
Administration, emailed you on July 9, 2015 to further explain the Request for Information. Please direct all
further communications on this matter to Ms. Bailey, who will be happy to answer any additional questions you have regarding the Request for Information. Ms. Bailey can be reached at 602-771-2796 or"


August 10, 2015
"Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 9:18 AM
Your email to Director Jeffries
1 message
To: Anthony OConnell <>
Cc: "Jeffries, Timothy" <>, +OMBUDSMAN <Ombudsman@azdes.goY>, "Barker, Marie, I"
Good morning Mr. O'Connell,
As Director Jeffries stated, we have tried reaching out to you regarding your questions. Regrettably, due to our
'policy we are unable to discuss case information via email. Please provide me with a phone number you can be
reached at so that I may have someone contact you directly. 1 look forward to your response. Thank you!
Best regards
Lydia Cruz
Assistant Ombudsman
Department of Economic Security
Director's Offic
1789 W. Jefferson St. | Phoenix, AZ 85007 Mobile
Arizona Department of Economic Security - Your Partner for a Stronger Arizona
Arizona Department of Economic Security -Your Partner for a Stronger Arizona
Like DES on Facebook| Follow DES on Twitter: @ArizonaDES"

August 7, 2015
"July 6, 2015Friday, August 7, 2015 8:25 AM
From: Jeffries, Timothy
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2015 8:25 AM
To: "Anthony OConnell'
Cc: Cruz, Lydia; Barker, Marie, I
Subject: RE: Your email of July 7, 2015, at 8:13 am. Please respond.
Sir, as noted on July 7th , the DES Ombudsrnan Office is trying to contact you regarding this manner. Please
, h~pIy to Ms. Lydia Cruz. Thank you very much. Regards, Director Jeffries"

July 7, 2015
"From: Jeffries, Timothy
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2015 8:14 AM
To: Anthony OConnell
Cc: Cruz, Lydia; Hunt, Marlynd; Barker, Marie, I
Subject: Re: "Request for Information" letter dated June 3, 2015". Please respond
Mr O'Connell, thank you for your letter. Ms. Lydia Cruz, one of my Ombudsmen, is trying to contact you in follow up. Again, my thanks. Regards, Director Jeffries"











