The media is needed to tell people how the accounting fraudsters work. Government won't tell. The first thing the fraudsters do is divide, destabilize, and destroy the family they victimize. Divide and conquer. It's the perfect cover.



James "Tub-bee" Jones

I believe James Tub-bee Jones is an exceptional man; a natural leader by positive example and extremely competent within the constraits put upon him . I wish he were in charge.
eader; natural has the right stuff; s the kind of person who should be in charge. He is a natural born leader and positive motivater by example. Despite the structure he has been put in, he faxed a "drop the cancer" message [leaves a record] to the Phoenix VA and gave me a copy [leaves a record], and he notified me by email when the application had been sent for processing.

March20 (fax cover sheet, 12:45pm) James Louis to 345/Triage/ , faxing VA Form 21-4138 “Statement in support of claim”
“Please expedite adjudication of NCS pension due to hardship

March20 (VA Form 21-4138 Statement in support of claim)
“In response to PHX VARO letter dated January 24, 2012, the veteran is withdrawing the compensation claim for skin
Please expedite the adjudication of his non_service connected pension based on eligbility – 65 status.
The veteran is age 70 and currently receives $538.00 per month from social security
Thank you for your immediate assistance
POA held by ADVS (?Power of Attorney at Arizona Departrment of Veteran Services?)
The veteran does not have a telephone. If there is a need to contact him, please call (520) 207-4960 ext and speak with James Louis (POA/ADVS)”

May11 (2:38pm) James Louis to Veteran
“I'm not sure who informed you of VA processing times but all claims must be reviewed and processed. There is no established time frame for a claim to be completed. Your claim for pension currently located at the Phoenix Regional Office and is fairly new as it was established on March 20, 2012 and. The claims location is due to the compensation claim you filed. All claims for compensation and pension are processed in Phoenix. Pension only claims are forwarded to the Pension Management Center in St. Paul, MN. As you may recall when we submitted the claim, I requested your claim be expedited due to financial hardship. I will inquire the Regional Office for status. Please let me know if you need anything else”

May11 (4:17pm) James Louis to Veteran
I was wrong. The date of your claim is January 20, 2012

May11 (4:28pm) James Louis to Veteran
Do you have access to a phone yet?

May16 (11:15am) James Louis to Veteran
“The Phoenix Regional Office has transferred your pension claim to St. Paul, MN for processing. I will initiate a follow-up this Friday. I hope all is well.”

May17 (8:40am) James Louis to Veteran
“The recent correspondence you received was to inform you that the compensation (disability) claim for skin cancer was withdrawn (per your request). It also stated the claim was being transferred to ST. Paul MN for processing. Here’s a brief overview of what determines where a claim is processed. 1) If a veteran in Arizona files a compensation claim, it is normally processed at the Phoenix Regional Office (VARO). 2) If a veteran in Arizona files a pension claim , it is normally processed by the Pension Management Center (PMC) in St Paul, MN 3) If a veteran in Arizona files a claim for compensation and pension, the VARO will process the claim/s.
This being the case, it is normally more advantageous for a pension claim to be processed at PMC, especially in a case like yours when the claim is based on age. Your claim file was transferred to St Paul because it is now a pension “only” claim. The file would contain all of the documentation provided with your initial application. I hope this answered your question/s. have a wonderful day”