The media is needed to tell people how the accounting fraudsters work. Government won't tell. The first thing the fraudsters do is divide, destabilize, and destroy the family they victimize. Divide and conquer. It's the perfect cover.


Nha Be, Vietnam, 1966-1967


There are very fine people at the Tucson VA. They show how good a VA hospital can be. I don't understand why senior management corruption is protected instead.

The VA is not supposed to frame veterans. Can anyone get the VA Doctor Mohamed A. Jamaldeed ( to explain why he used the effects of drugs to frame me as being mentally ill? And why a psychologist or psychiatrist and a lawyer were involved? And why I was put in jail ("locked unit") for 33 days? Was it to remove me as Trustee of our family's 15 acres in Fairfax County, Virginia? What  happened to my Deed as Trustee for this 15 acres? .

Why would Fairfax County, Virginia, hire a law firm against me like TAC? TAC 29p   When the accounting can't be exposed and recognized in 27 years, it's a coverup.  Why does Virginia protect the accounting fraudsters instead of the public? The only protection the public has is to recognize the patterns before it's too late.

In 2000, I wrote the judges that the fraudsters steal money and use an innocent  family member to unwittingly carry it out.  It was interpreted/judged as inapproiate communication.  In 2012, Chief Judge Smith began a fradulent process of removing me as Trustee.

The Tucson VA in Arizona and the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit Court in Fairfax County,Virginia, work together. They're here to stay. The only protection the public has is to recognize the patterns before it's too late. Our government will not protect you here. Why does Virginia protect these accounting fraudsters instead of the public?

I have a back ground in accounting and have been trying to stop accounting fraudsters from preying on our family since 1985. I got thirty-five (35) years of reprisals. Not one authority, politician or power has made any attempt to expose the fraudsters accounting, or stop them from using our innocent sister in New Kensington, Pennsylvania, as an unwitting agent. Not one. Goverment looked the other way and let the fraudsters irreversable tear our family apart.

Please insure that VA Director Robert Wilkie ( recognises that the VA's continued targeting of me will, I believe, kill me and be made to appear as my fault. Does anyone know a just power who would confront the fraudsters with the rule of law? Silence is complicity.

VA Director Robert Wilkie in DC (
Tucson VA Director Jennifer S. Gutowski (
Tucson VA doctor Mohamed A. Jamaldeed (
Tucson VA doctor Brandon W. Godfrey (

Joe Biden -

Nha Be, Vietnam, 1967

Arizona - Virginia trail.

Honor veterans by removing the corruption in VA senior management. It is costly. If the Director of the Tucson VA can't stop VA senior management from targeting me, it will kill me.

There is no known limit to the reach and power of these accounting fraudsters and their collaborators. An illegal Arizona financial hit and an illegal Virginia financial hit converge on me like a one-two punch.

The Arizona hit was in the form of burying my application for a VA poverty pension in ambiguity and confusion. This "pension" brings a veteran's annual income up to the poverty line. My income was below the poverty level because my Deed as Trustee for 15 acres in Fairfax County, Virginia, is ignored. This blocked me from selling the Trust property in Fairfax County and forced me to pay the real estate taxes until I ran out of money. Ignoring my Deed and never saying why rendered me powerless. It sabotaged my Trusteeship from day one.

The Virginia hit was a $27,669.42 illegal lien sent by the Nineteenth Virginia Circuit Court, through their law firm, to Highland County, Virginia. It's so secrect they won't identify the property it's placed against. The secrecy renders me powerless. I can't fix what needs fixing when what and where needs fixing is kept secrect. Who ever controls the hook controls the people and assets that are hooked. It blocks me from selling my 77 acres in Highland County and makes it appear as my fault. Why would Virginia Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine, both Harvard law, and former Governors of Virginia, allow Fairfax County to hire a law firm like TAC against me? TAC took control of my property in Highland County, Virginia, by entangling it in their accounting. TAC 29p If you see something, say something? No one's above the law?

If the fraudsters can illegally take over my 77 acres in Highland County and everyone remains silent, they can do it to any landowner in Highland County. Has corruption become so common it's become the norm? that the difference between right and wrong is not recognized? 

The only way to get to the truth is to follow the trails. The trail, the whole trail, and nothing but the trail. Set aside the character assassinations and frame-ups as best you can. There is no other way. To verify that I am being targeted for trying to expose accounting fraud, try to get a just power to expose their accounting at and see what happens.





(Above) This is my actual Power of Attorney to AZDVS Prescott, January 17, 2012.
Mr Brian O'Neil brought up the subject of POA and I gave it to him.


(Above) This page is intentionally left blank to show that it's concealed from me. It took me four years, five months, and two weeks, from February 2, 2012, to July 16, 2016, to see a copy; To see what was done with the POA I gave Brian O'Neil at the Prescott AZDVS on January 17, 2012. See page 13 to see it's content. This is intentionally blank to show that it's concealed from me. See page 13 to see it's content. This is what the Prescott AZDVS did with the Power of Attorney  I gave them on January 17, 2012.
It buries my application for a VA poverty pension in ambiguity and makes it appear as my fault (See page 10 of 11) It's concealed from me. It took me four years, five months,and two weeks, from February 2, 2012, to July 16, 2016, to see a copy.  Apparently, the new employee at the Tucson AZDVS didn't know I was not supposed to see it. This exposure made the Tucson AZDVS staff angry with me, and two days later, on July 18, 2016, they created a fraudulent Power of Attorney that makes it appear as if I gave Mr James Jones for AZDVS Power of Attorney. This is not true. I did not know of this fraudulent Power of Attorney until I received these documents about 13 months later:

The AZDVS and the VA know what my power of attorney says, but I don't. The AZDVS and the VA refer to it as if I knew:

May 10, 2012, Jeffrey McAdams at the Phoenix VA in Arizona to Anthony OConnell
“We have received your typed statement on February 7, 2012, stating that you wish to withdraw your claim for *Skin cancer”

May 14, 2012, Brian O'Neil at the Prescott AZDVS in Arizona to Anthony OConnell:
“VA withdrew your request for compensation of skin cancer, based on a typed statement that they received on February 7, 2012.”
(How would you know that Mr. Brian O'Neil created this document?)

May 17, 2012, Brian O'Neil at the Prescott AZDVS in Arizona to Anthony O'Connell:
“Statement submitted on February 7, 2012 that you would like to withdraw claim for skin cancer.”
(How would you know that Mr. Brian O'Neil created this document?)

May 25, 2012, T. A. Olsen at the Saint Paul VA in Minnesota to Anthony OConnell:
“*VA Form 21-4138, Statement in Support of claim, received February 7, 2012”

It took me four years, five months, and two weeks, from February 2, 2012, to July 16, 2016,
to see a copy of my power of attorney.what the the AZDVS and VA are referring to.



(Above) The Phoenix VA in Arizona and the Nineteenth Juducial Circuit Court in Fairfax County, Virginia, hit me with a one-two financial punch on May 10-11, 2012. My application for the VA "economic pension" (For veterans who live below the poverty) line is supposed to be automatic for veterans over 65) is buried in ambiguity and confusion, and the Nineteenth Virginia Circuit Court in Fairfax has their attorney send me an illegal lien notice for $27,669.42.



(Above) This illegal lien is so covert those behind it refuse to identify the property it's placed against. The secrecy and the ambiguity and confusion, make it impossible for me to correct. It is an accounting "hook" Those in control of the hook control the people and assets that are hooked. It blocks me from selling my 77 acres in Highland County, Virginia, and I'm living below the poverty line.




(Above) Fairfax County's law firm sends me, "ANTHONY M OCONNELL TR", a lien but won't tell me what  property they placed it against. This renders me powerless. It plants a hook in my property and me. My hiring an attorney here is a pretend solution. It would force me into a two attorney trap and they could jerk me aroundindefinitely (See and click "1985 CPA" and "1992 bar"). TAC wants me to hire an attorney.The only way to get to the truth is to remove the secrecy and follow the trails. Based on my thirty-three years experience, that will never, never, never, happen.



(Above) It took me four years, five months, and two weeks, from February 2, 2012, to July 16, 2016, to see this. This is what the Prescott AZDVS did with the Power of Attorney  I gave them on January 17, 2012. It buries my application for a VA poverty pension in ambiguity and confusion and makes it appear as my fault.


(Above) No one recognizes that this Power of Attorney is fraudulent and frames me. Fraudulent power of attorney dated July 18, 2016 (Two days after I got a copy of the secrect "Feb-7"). I did not know of this fraudulent document until about 13 months after it was created. Please judge for yourself -
A veteran has no chance of protecting her or his self against character assassinations and setups when AZDVS's and VA's senior management think making a fraudulent Power of Attorney against a veteran is OK. It renders a veteran powerless. It's a cosmic abuse of power. I believe the frustration causes suicides.




Time line

  1) 2000.07.24 I tried to expose the accounting and protect our family by writing the Judges.
  2) 2012.03.31 I tried to expose the accounting by posting
  3) 2012.05.10  Arizona tells me, in so many words- AZDVS buried my poverty pension application in confusion and ambiguity.
  4) 2012.05.11  Virginia tells me, in so many words- Illegal lien for $27,669 used to take control of my farm.
  5) 2012.05.25  Revocation of Power of Attorney as Trustee for Accotink (15 acres) in Fairfax County
  6) 2012.09.04  Summons to remove me as Trustee. This removes me from my lively hood.
  7) 2012.09.28  Injunction
  8) 2012.10.22  Notice to appear in Court in Virginia. I live in Arizona
  9) 2012.12.05  Order to appear in Court in Virginia, Motion for Default Judgment
10) 2013.01.25  Order removing me as Trustee.
11) 2016.07.18  (Dated) Mr. James Jones, head of the Tucson AZDVS, creates a fraudulent Power of Attorney. I first saw it on 8/29/2017.
                          It makes it appear that I gave Mr. James Jones Power of Attorney for AZDVS. This is not true.

Has corruption become so common that the difference between right and wrong is not recognized?  Can anyone get the FBI, the IRS, or the Media, to cut through the secrecy and see why this massive interstate fraud is protected instead of the public? Their signature pattern is to divide and conquer your family. It's a perfect cover. They are protected. The only protection families have is for every member to learn to recognize the patterns before its too late. Beware.

Please think about this. Fairfax County's law firm sends me, "ANTHONY M OCONNELL TR", a lien but won't tell me what  property they placed it against. This renders me powerless. It plants a hook in my property and me. My hiring an attorney here is a pretend solution. It would force me into a two attorney trap and they could jerk me around indefinitely (See and click "1985 CPA" and "1992 bar"). TAC wants me to hire an attorney. The only way to get to the truth is to remove the secrecy and follow the trails. Based on my thirty-three years experience, I believe that will never, never, never, happen.               Best reference                  Their signature cover is to divide, destabilize, and destroy the family.                    

Why is this accounting fraud protected instead of the public? Has corruption become so common that the difference between right and wrong is not recognized?  Can anyone get the FBI, the IRS, or the Media, to cut through the secrecy and see why this massive accounting fraud is protected? Their signature pattern is to divide and conquer your family. It's a perfect cover. They are protected. The only protection families have is for every member to learn to recognize the patterns before its too late. Beware.

Not one leader, to my knowledge, has tried to stop our innocent sister from being used (Jean Mary OConnell Nader, last known address  444 Summit Street, New Kensington, Pennysylvaia, 15068  tel: 724 337-7537). Not one.

If   VA Director Robert Wilkie in DC ( can't stop VA senior management from targeting me, it will kill me.